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ysladmin 2024-05-20
scock羽毛球_cordon羽毛球       大家好,今天我来给大家讲解一下关于scock羽毛球的问题。为了让大家更好地理解这个问题,我将相关资料进行了整理,现在就让我们一起来看看吧。1.sock black cock 发音不同的是2.公


1.sock black cock 发音不同的是




5.cock 是什么意思?


sock black cock 发音不同的是


       sock 英[s?k] 美[sɑ:k]

       n. 短袜; (尤指用拳头) 猛击,重击;

       vt. 重击; 给…穿袜;

       [例句]He pulled his sock carefully over his swollen ankle.


       [其他] 第三人称单数:socks 复数:socks 现在分词:socking 过去式:socked

       cock 英[k?k]


       n. 公鸡; 龙头; 成熟雄鸟; 首领,领导;

       vt. 使某物竖起; 使某物倾斜; 使朝上; 扳上扳机;

       vi. 翘起,竖起; 大摇大摆;

       [例句]The cock's breast is tinged with chestnut.


       [其他] 第三人称单数:cocks 复数:cocks 现在分词:cocking 过去式:cocked 过去分词:cocked


       Aquatics 水上运动 Freestyle 自由泳 Backstroke 仰泳 Breastroke 蛙泳 Butterfly 蝶泳 Archery 弓箭 Athletics 田径 Sprint 短跑 Race walk 竞走 Hurdle 跨栏 Relay 接力 Discus throw 掷铁饼 Javeline 掷标枪 Hammer throw 掷链球 Long jump 跳远 Triple jump 三级跳 Pole vault 撑竿跳 Badminton 羽毛球 Baseball 棒球 Basketball 篮球 Boxing 拳击 Canoe/kayak 独木舟/多人划竞赛 Cycling 自行车 Equestrian 马术 Fencing 击剑 Football 足球 Gymnastics 体操 Balance beam 平衡木 Horizontal bar 单杠 Parallel bars 双杠 Pommel horse 鞍马 Rings 吊环 Trampoline 跳床 Uneven bars 高低杠 Handball 手球 Hockey 曲棍球 Judo 柔道 Pentathlon 五项全能 Rowing 划船 Sailing 帆船 Shooting 射击 Softball 垒球 Table tennis 乒乓球 Taekwondo 跆拳道 Tennis 网球 Volleyball 排球 Weightlifting 举重 Wrestling 摔跤




       cock的英式发音 [k?k],美式发音 [kɑ?k].译为“公鸡;雄鸡;雄禽;老兄,家禽,立起,竖起,翘起(身体部位);扣(或扳)上扳机准备射击。”


       1、All ears were cocked for the footsteps on the stairs.?


       2、His hands were too weak to cock his revolver.?


       3、The cock's breast is tinged with chestnut.?




       1、The rooster chased me across the dirt floor of the barn.?


       2、How do you tell if one's a rooster


       3、Study on Increasing Dietary Protein and Phosphorus Utilization of Rooster?



       Archery 射箭

       Athletics 田径

       Badminton 羽毛球

       Baseball 棒球

       Basketball 篮球

       Boxing 拳击

       Canoeing 赛艇

       Cycling 自行车

       Equestrian 马术

       Fencing 击剑

       Football 足球

       Gymnastics 体操

       Handball 手球

       Hockey 曲棍球

       Martial Arts 武术

       Modern Pentathlon 现代五项全能

       Rowing 划船

       Sailing 帆船

       Shooting 射击

       Softball 垒球

       Swimming 游泳

       Table Tennis 乒乓球

       Tennis 网球

       Triathlon 三项全能

       Volleyball 排球

       Weightlifting 举重

       Wrestling 摔跤

       10m air rifle 10米气步枪

       10m air pistol 10米气

       balance beam 平衡木

       high-low bar 高低杠

       horizontal bar 单杠

       parallel bar 双杠

       platform diving 跳台跳水

       pole jump 撑杆跳

       pommel horse 鞍马

       the back stoke 仰泳

       the breaststroke 蛙泳

       the free style 自由泳

       butterfly 蝶泳

       individual medley 个人混合泳

       freestyle relay 自由泳接力

       medley relay 混合泳接力

       Water polo 水球

       Diving 跳水

       triple jump 三级跳远

       acrobatic gymnastics---技巧运动

       athletics/track & field---田径


       boat race---赛艇

       bobsleigh, bobsled---雪橇


       canoe slalom---激流划船






       downhill race---速降滑雪赛,滑降

       dragon-boat racing---赛龙船




       figure skating---花样滑冰



       gliding; sailplaning---滑翔运动


       Greece-Roman wrestling----古典式摔跤

       gymnastic apparatus----体操器械




       hold, lock-----揪钮

       horizontal bar-----单杠

       hurdles; hurdle race----跨栏比赛

       huttlecock kicking---踢毽子

       ice skating---滑冰


       item Archery---箭术




       mat exercises---垫上运动

       modern pentathlon---现代五项运动

       mountain bike---山地车

       parallel bars---双杠


       qigong; breathing exercises---气功

       relative work---造型跳伞

       relay race; relay---接力


       roller skating----滑旱冰





       side horse, pommelled horse---鞍马

       ski jump---跳高滑雪

       ski jumping competition---跳高滑雪比赛







       table tennis---乒乓球













       walking; walking race---竞走

       wall bars---肋木

       water polo----水球

       weightlifting ---举重

       weights ---重量级

       winter sports -----冬季运动

       wrestling --- 摔交

       yacht --- 游艇

       Men's 10m Platform 男子10米跳台

       Women's Taekwondo Over 67kg 女子67公斤级以上跆拳道

       Women's Athletics 20km Walk 女子20公里竟走

       Men's Diving Synchronized 3m Springboard 男子3米跳板

       Women's Diving 3m Springboard 女子3米跳板

       Women's Diving Synchronized 10m Platform 女子10米跳台

       Men's Wrestling Greco-Roman 58kg 男子58公斤古典摔交

       Men's Diving 3m Springboard 男子3米跳板

       Men's Artistic Gymnastics Parallel Bars 竞技体操男子双杠

       Women's Artistic Gymnastics Beam 竞技体操女子自由体操

       Men's Table Tennis Singles 男子乒乓单打

       Women's Diving 10m Platform 女子10米跳台

       Women's Artistic Gymnastics Uneven Bars 竞技体操女子跳马

       Women's Table Tennis Singles 女子乒乓单打

       Men's Badminton Singles 男子羽毛球单打

       Women's Badminton Doubles 女子羽毛球双打

       Men's Diving Synchronized 10m Platform 跳水男子10米跳台

       Women's Diving Synchronized 3m Springboard 跳水女子3米跳板

       Men's Table Tennis Doubles 男子乒乓球双打

       Women's Badminton Singles 女子羽毛球单打

       Men's Fencing Team Foil 击剑男子团体花剑

       Women's Judo Heavyweight +78kg 柔道女子重量级78公斤

       Men's Shooting 10m Running Target 射击男子10米移动靶

       Women's Shooting 25m Pistol 射击女子25米运动

       Women's Table Tennis Doubles 女子乒乓球双打

       Men's Weightlifting 77kg 举重男子77公斤级抓举

       Women's Weightlifting 75+ kg 举重女子75公斤以上级抓举

       Mixed Badminton Doubles 羽毛球男子双打

       Women's Artistic Gymnastics All-Around Finals 竞技体操女子个人全能决赛

       Women's Judo Half-Heavywt 78kg 女子次重量级78公斤级柔道

       Men's Artistic Gymnastics All-Around Finals 竞技体操男子个人全能

       Women's Fencing Team Epee 击剑女子团体重剑

       Women's Artistic Gymnastics Team Finals 竞技体操女子团体

       Women's Judo Half-Middlewt 63kg 女子次中量级63公斤级柔道

       Women's Weightlifting 63kg 女子63公斤级挺举举重

       Women's Weightlifting 69kg 女子69公斤级抓举举重

       Men's Artistic Gymnastics Team Finals 男子团体竞技体操

       Men's Shooting 10m Air Rifle 射击男子10米气步枪

       Women's Shooting Trap 射击女子多向飞碟

       Women's Weightlifting 53kg 举重女子53公斤级抓举

       Women's Judo Half-Lightwt 52kg 女子次轻量级52公斤柔道

       Women's Shooting 10m Air Pistol 女子10米汽枪

       Women's Cycling Track 500m Time Trial 运动场自行车赛女子500米计时赛

       Men's Shooting 10m Air Pistol 男子10米气

       Women's Shooting 10m Air Rifle 女子10米气步枪

       Men's Weightlifting 56kg 男子56公斤级挺举

cock 是什么意思?

       1.体操 gymnastics

       2.游泳 swimming

       3.击剑 fencing

       4.举重 weightlifting

       5.棒球 baseball

       6.篮球 basketball

       7.排球 volleyball

       8.乒乓球 table tennis

       9.足球 soccer

       10.跳水 diving

       11.马球 polo

       12.水球 water polo

       13.垒球 softball

       14.网球 tennis

       15.赛艇 canoe

       16.冲浪 surfing

       17.自行车 cycling

       18.羽毛球 badminton

       19.田径 track and field

       20.手球 handball

       21.摔交 wrestling

       22.拳击 boxing

       23.射箭 toxophily

       24.射击 shooting

       25.柔道 judo

       26.骑马 equestrian

       27.曲棍球 hockey


       Avg. per 48 min. Projects averages over 48 minutes, to compare productivity per minute played

       Last 15/30 days See which players are on a streak or in a slump by viewing statistics from recent action


       G Point guard/shooting guard

       SG Shooting guard

       PG Point guard

       GF Guard/forward

       F Small forward/power forward

       SF Small forward

       PF Power forward

       FC Forward/center

       C Center


       G Games

       Min Average minutes played per game

       FGA Field-goal attempts per game

       Pct Percentage of field goals made

       FTA Free-throw attempts per game

       Pct Percentage of free throws made

       3PM Total three-point field goals made

       Pct Percentage of three-point field goals made

       Off Offensive rebounds per game

       TReb Total rebounds per game

       Ast Assists per game

       Blk Average blocked shots per game

       Stl Average steals per game

       TO Average turnovers per game

       PAR Average points plus assists plus rebounds (PAR) per game

       A/TO Overall assist-to-turnover ratio (Total assists, divided by total turnovers)

       P/Sh Points scored per field-goal attempt ([Field goals made*2] + [3-point field goals made], divided by total field-goal attempts)

       BkSt/TO Overall block/steal-to-turnover ratio (Blocks plus steals, divided by turnovers)

       Raw totals

       G Games played

       Min Minutes played

       FGA Field-goal attempts

       FGM Field goals made

       FTA Free-throw attempts

       FTM Free throws made

       3PA Three-point field goals attempted

       3PM Three-point field goals made

       Reb Rebounds

       Ast Assists

       Blk Blocked shots

       Stl Steals

       TO Turnovers

       SportsZone Player Rating

       The Zone's player ratings measures a player's overall court contribution using the following formula:

       [Points + Rebounds + (Assists*2) + (Steals*2) + (Blocks*1.5) + (FTA*.20)] - [Missed FGA + Missed FTA + (DQ*5) + (Turnovers*2) + (PF*.20)]

       The words below are some of the most important used when talking about Sports.

       Sports - Equipment



       hockey ball

       golf ball



       golf club

       hockey stick


       racing car





       shuttle cock


       Sports - People


       badminton player

       basketball player




       footballer /football player



       hockey player



       racing driver


       rugby player



       snooker player

       squash player



       tennis player

       volleyball player


       Sports - Places









       Sports - Names of Sports

       athletics (do)

       badminton (play)

       basketball (play)




       football (play)

       golf (play)

       gymnastics (do)

       hockey (play)





       rugby (play)


       snooker (play)

       squash (play)



       tennis (play)

       volleyball (play)



       Sports - Related Words




















       Sports - Verbs

















       score (a point / a goal)












       More Word Groups

       The Body











       The Mind





       The Senses



       The Weather



       cock 1





       An adult male chicken; a rooster.


       An adult male of various other birds.


       A weathervane shaped like a rooster; a weathercock.


       A leader or chief.


       A faucet or valve by which the flow of a liquid or gas can be regulated.


       The hammer of a firearm.


       The position of the hammer of a firearm when ready for firing.


       A tilting or jaunty turn upward:


       the cock of a hat.


       Vulgar Slang The penis.

       粗俗用语 俚语 阴茎

       Archaic The characteristic cry of a rooster early in the morning.

       古语 鸡啼声:清晨公鸡特有的鸣叫




       To set the hammer of (a firearm) in a position ready for firing.


       To set (a device, such as a camera shutter) in a position ready for use.


       To tilt or turn up or to one side, usually in a jaunty or alert manner:


       cocked an eyebrow in response to a silly question.


       To raise in preparation to throw or hit:


       cocked the bat before swinging at the pitch.



       To set the hammer of a firearm in a position ready for firing.


       To turn or stick up.


       To strut; swagger.


       cock a snoot 或

       cock a snook 俚语

       To express scorn or derision by or as if by placing the thumb on the nose and wiggling the fingers; thumb one's nose:


       “[He] could cock a snoot at the rest of the . . . world and blithely go his own way” (Elie Kedourie)

       “[他] 在其余人面前翘起鼻子…愉快地走他自己的路” (伊利·吉多利)

       cock of the walk

       An overbearing or domineering person.


       Middle English cok

       中古英语 cok

       from Old English cocc

       源自 古英语 cocc

       probably from Late Latin coccus

       可能源自 后期拉丁语 coccus

       from coco [a cackling]

       源自 coco [嘀嘀咕咕地讲话的人]

       [of imitative origin]



       cock 2





       A cone-shaped pile of straw or hay.




       To arrange (straw or hay) into piles shaped like cones.


       Middle English cok

       中古英语 cok
