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1.求贝克汉姆的英文介绍加翻译,适合于初二谢2.翻译成英文!!3.贝克汉姆的英语简介4.萨为利亚和米兰的比赛 什么时候啊?书 26.md3日 欧锦赛外围赛




4.萨为利亚和米兰的比赛 什么时候啊?


书 26.md

3日 欧锦赛外围赛 00:00 英格兰vs安道尔 上海体育、香港宽频NOW685、卫视体育亚洲、泰星40、超级体育3 00:00 格鲁吉亚vs法国 广东体育、香港有线足球 02:00 罗马尼亚vs保加利亚 香港有线英超 02:15 捷克vs威尔...查看完整版>>今晚有哪些足球比赛?都是北京时间几点开始的?



03.今晚的欧冠几点开始啊?2007 3 6

3月7日 欧冠联赛 新浪欧冠视频直播当日全部4场 03:45 利物浦vs巴萨 ESPN、广东体育、上海体育、香港NOW宽频684、泰星65 03:45 切尔西vs波尔图 卫视体育、东方卫视、香港NOW宽频685、泰星66、超级体育3 03:45 瓦伦西亚...查看完整版>>今晚的欧冠几点开始啊?2007


伊斯坦布尔奇迹相信是众多球迷心中的经典中的经典,那也是所有米兰球迷心中永远的痛,那时候的米兰有多强大相信看球的人都你知我知,颜值更是当时足坛一道引人注目的风景线,揽获球迷无数,人气极高。决赛夜,更是在上半场就早早锁定3:0的比分,冠军似乎就在米兰的眼前触手可及,但是足球的魅力莫过于即使前面再大起大落,可不到终场哨子响起的那一刻,所有人都不知道会发生什么。下半场利物浦吹响了反击的号角,将比分扳成3比3,米兰面对利物浦的疯狂反扑,似乎有些发懵,比赛下半场有多次杀比赛的机会均未把握住,双方进入加时,加时赛利物浦几乎放弃了进攻,铁了心要将比赛拖入点球大战。那一夜似乎老天也眷顾红军,舍瓦,卡卡的绝佳机会都被杜德克神勇化解,尤其核弹头的两也未能越过他的十指关。点球大战,米兰人的心态已经崩了,面对杜德克的蝴蝶舞步,塞尔吉尼奥,皮尔洛,舍普琴科相继罚丢,拱手将冠军送给了利物浦。那一晚的伊斯坦布尔成了红色的海洋,而背景则是失魂落魄的红黑将士。命运往往就是这么残酷,在你认为最炙手可得的时候从你的怀中无情拿走,而在米兰阵容已经开始老化的07年雅典之夜。那群老男孩儿在上帝之子卡卡的带领下成功复仇,弥补了两年前的遗憾,足球就是这样,正是有这样那样的遗憾,不完美,而这本身也是足球的一部分,才让我们为它如痴如醉,才造就了那些永恒的经典,让我们久久去回味!1982年西班牙世界杯小组赛意大利对阵巴西,罗西连中三元以一己之力助意大利击败巴西,那场球堪称世界杯经典,看得人荡气回肠热血沸腾。那届比赛意大利队并不被看好,小组赛中战绩也暗淡,对阵喀麦隆、秘鲁、波兰均战平。巴西队则拥有济科、苏格拉底、法尔考、儒尼奥尔等天皇巨星,小组赛连胜三场净胜13球,风头强劲,自信满满,被视作最大夺冠热门。复赛阶段意大利与阿根廷、巴西分在一组,被称为历史上最恐怖的亡之组,三队中意大利最不被看好进入决赛圈。但意大利凭借罗西的神勇发挥连续淘汰了阿根廷和巴西闯入了决赛圈,尤其是对阵巴西队时面临非赢不可而巴西打平则可的不利局面,意大利以顽强的防守和恰当的战术抑制了过于自信乃至轻敌的巴西队,双方你来我往梅花间竹,最终罗西独中连中三元,硬是把号称史上最强的一支足球队击败(当时巴西主教练曾声称这支巴西队可在任何时间任何地点击败世界上任何一支球队)。之后意大利又在半决赛中击败小组赛对手之一波兰队,决赛中击败也是实力无比强劲的德国队,最终捧杯。半决赛和决赛中罗西都进了关键球,最终以6个进球获当届世界杯金靴奖。回想意大利与巴西之战确实可谓坚盾克利矛的经典之战,己成绝版,再难复制。皇马对马德里竞技欧冠决赛,先是皇马0:1落后,在下半场伤停补时最后一分钟,比分改写成1:1,比赛拖入加时赛,先是迪马利亚助攻贝尔,帮助皇马攻入一球,随后马塞洛在攻入一球,最后C罗为皇马再攻入一球,最终皇马夺得欧冠冠军,也是皇马三冠王的开始,也是齐玄宗教练生涯的光辉。1994年世界杯的决赛意大利和巴西决赛,即使120分钟都没有一个进球,但是有门柱,有帕柳卡的亲吻门柱,有名字美妙气温却让人恐惧的场地—玫瑰碗,当然最主要的是上年度世界足球先生罗伯特巴乔最后射飞点球的那一刹那。尽管即使他没有踢飞巴西队依然接下来踢进就是冠军,尽管前一年他已经达到了个人声望的顶峰,但叉腰落寞的背影却更为人牢记,和塔法雷尔跪地双手指天的同框影像也更为经典,未来也必定不断地呈现在一代又一代的球迷眼前。1995-1996赛季注定是英超历史上不平凡的一年。1995年,曼联失去了多名重要球员,前途不被看好, 结果弗格森大胆起用新人,92班也正是在这个赛季成为了曼联的支柱。整个赛季,曼联逆战了纽卡12分夺冠。这场英超十年最佳比赛,从领先12分到落后榜首曼联3分的纽卡斯尔做客安菲尔德,必须取胜才能咬住曼联。纽卡拥有当时英超的最强攻击组合,阿兰希勒、阿斯普里拉、大卫吉诺拉等著名球星。整场比赛双方大打对攻,比赛情节跌宕起伏,福勒开场2分钟即为利物浦首开纪录,莱斯-费迪南德扳平,吉诺拉反超,福勒扳平,阿斯普里拉再超出,到第68分钟红军高中锋科利莫尔扳成3比3,终场前科里莫尔再进一球绝杀纽卡。整场比赛节奏飞快,几乎没有球和后场倒角,双方踢得激情四射,你来我往,大打攻势,一波平息一波又来,大呼过瘾。

按照小组赛的表现,2022年世界杯夺冠来分析,我看好的英格兰、阿根 廷和巴西,这几支球队更有夺冠的可能,实际上很多事情并不是我们想象的,除了参考他的实力还要参考很多方面。比如人为的因素造成的等等,所以这种情况也只能看看热闹而已。

下面从网络上收集了一些知识:首先说说阿根 廷,恭喜梅西拿到美洲 杯冠军。阿根 廷整届赛事踢的很团队,凝聚力很强,锋线也能抓住机会转化为得分,对于目前这支新老交替的阿根 廷来说是很可贵的。不过预测阿根 廷的成绩在8-4强,如果碰到欧洲 球队还是不好踢。再说说巴西。巴西的问题比阿根 廷更偏激,过度依赖球星的个人能力,整体串联性并不足,往往需要内马尔这种个人能力极强的球员回撤中场带球突破达到向前推进的作用,南美 球队现在碰到欧 洲 顶级强队很难打的一点就在于南美 球队还在侧重于个人技术风格,而欧洲 球队的团队技术水平已经越发成熟强大,一但遇到密集防守或者中场控制能力比巴 西强的队 伍,巴 西很难走远,大概率明年16-8强,巴 西这几年世界杯最好的机会就是14年的本土,可惜碰到巅峰德 国被打穿,事实上巴 西这些年的人才除了内马尔寥寥无几。最后再说说英格兰。英格兰虽然打进欧洲 杯决赛,但我还是认为英格 兰想拿冠军南门必须走人。南门的经验,能力远不能和曼奇 尼这种教练比,英格兰进决赛并不是因为南门的功劳,而是英格兰踢的还不错+纸面实力强。所以我觉得比较有实力的小组就有机会夺冠今年的世界杯。



Name: David Robert Joseph Beckham

Date of Birth: 02 May 1975

Birthplace: Leytonstone, London

Nationality: English

Height: 180 cm

Weight: 67 kg

Martial status: Married to Victoria

Current club: Manchester United

Position: Midfield

Squad number: 7

David Beckham

In the world of professional , no star shines brighter than David Beckham. He is one of the best players in the sport, admired by fans around the world. Not only is Beckham an excellent player, but he also happens to have supermodel looks! Girls adore his handsome face and friendly smile.

As a celebrity, Beckham attracts more attention than most rock stars, including his wife, former Spice Girl Victoria Adams. Fashion magazines have a field day every time he wears a new outfit or gets a new hairstyle.

David Beckham was born in an eastern suburb of London in February 1975. Ever since he can remember, has always been the main focus in his life. That? because not long after he could walk, Beckham? father began playing with him. Each year Beckham's father gave him a Manchester United uniform and a new ball.The two would regularly kick the ball around outside until it was too dark to see

anything. Beckham had lots of natural ability, and constant practice developed his talent.

Beckham rise to the top

By the time Beckham entered his teens, professional scouts were already watching his progress as a standout player. When Beckham turned 16, Manchester United asked him to join the team as a trainee. After training in the youth circuit, 20-year-old Beckham played his first game for Manchester United in April 1995. Over the following seasons, Beckham scored some amazing goals, making him well known throughout the country. Thanks to Beckham, Manchester United won many awards. He performed so well that he was asked to play for England's national team in 1997.

When England played Argentina at the 1998 World Cup, Beckham? image took a blow. He was sent off for kicking at an opponent. But back in England, Beckham took Manchester United to another league victory that season. Beckham was playing the best he played in his whole life, and fans couldn't get enough of him.

Beckham's star rose even higher in July 1999, when he married Victoria Adams of the then-popular Spice Girls singing group. Beckham waselevated to the position of both star and celebrity.

The Beckham lifestyle

Beckham seems to enjoy being in the spotlight. He likes wearing stylish clothes,driving fancy sports cars and experimenting with new hairstyles. Beckham regularly volunteers to pose for fashion magazines, and the press follows his every move.

Beckham's personal life, however, is more down to earth. Given the choice, Beckham says his perfect evening would be a quiet night at home with his wife and their two young sons. Beckham refuses to hire a nanny and puts a high priority on his family time.

In 2002, Asian fans got their first chance to see the famous Beckham up close. England's team gave an impressive performance at the World Cup in Japan. Beckham delighted fans by scoring a goal against rival Argentina. But England was ultimately defeated by champion Brazil and failed to reach the semifinals.

Fans and followers are now waiting to see how Beckham fares in Spain. Manchester United sold their star to Spain? Real Madrid team in the summer of 2003. But regardless of where he plays, Beckham should continue to score goals and turn heads.

(n) (英式)足球

Soccer is the world most popular sport.

supermodel (n) 超级名模

Anna is a supermodel. Her picture has appeared on hundreds of magazine covers.

suburb (n) 近郊住宅区;市郊

I like living in this little suburb. It? quiet and peaceful and yet still close to

the city.

focus (n) 焦点;重心

Have you chosen a major yet? At university, you must have a focus for your studies.

standout (adj) 杰出的;出色的

Harry is our standout employee. He works harder than anyone in this office.

circuit (n) 联盟;协会

Jim competed in the children? golf circuit before going on to compete professionally.

take a blow (idiom) 受到重创

When the company lost its biggest customer, its profits took a blow.

league (n) 联盟

When I was in San Francisco, I saw a major league baseball game.

pose (v) 做摄影模特儿;摆姿势

I want to take a photo of you and Donna. Will you two pose together next to the window


down to earth (idiom) 实在的;平实的

Frank is a down-to-earth person. He? friendly, relaxed and easy to talk to.

ultimately (adv) 最后;最终

Both universities are good, but ultimately you will have to make a choice and pick

your favorite.

fare (v) 表现;进展

Mindy does well in her English class, but she? not faring well in her science class.

More Information

have a field day (idiom) 善用机会;善加利用

When the kids saw all the toys in the playroom, they had a field day.

scout (n) 球探;星探

A team scout looks for good new players to add to the team.

send off (v phr) 处罚某人下场

When the player broke one of the rules, he was shown a red card and sent off.

the press (n phr) 媒体;新闻界

The press follows that famous movie star wherever she goes.

semifinal (n) 半决赛

The team that wins this semifinal will go on to the championship game.

Key Points

David Beckham is one of the world? greatest players.

Beckham developed his skills with constant practice.

Key Points

Beckham became famous while playing for Manchester United.

Beckham married a well-known pop singer in July 1999.

Key Points

Beckham enjoys being in the spotlight, but he also puts a priority on his family.

Beckham is now playing for the Spanish team Real


Football originated in China. Because of the limitations of the feudal society, China's ancient Cuju ultimately did not develop into a "fair competition" for the principles of modern sport. This is a qualitative leap in the British capitalism completed. London Queen Street freemasons pubs, which is the birthplace of modern football, history landmark meeting held here. In 1903, Belgium, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Spain, and other countries negotiate the establishment of an international organizations, however, as Britain is the birthplace of football enthusiasm is not high. But football is beginning popularity in Europe and the Americas

Soccer (Football; ): Traditional was 20 6-shaped and 12 5-a total of 32 skin-shaped composition. The playing field for a long 105 m, width 68 m

Football confrontational strong athletes in the game allowed by the rules used in the various actions, including running, exigency stop, turned around and fell on the ground, jump, crash, and so on, with the fierce rivals for. Competition long time, the audience, competition sites, any other sport is beyond.

This sport is dominated ball feet mainly at the same venue two teams within the sport offensive items. Football is the world's most loved people, carry out the most extensive and most influential sports projects, known as "the world's number one sport." Some countries will be football as a "country ball." An exciting match, attracting tens of thousands of spectators and hundreds of millions of television viewers as the important contents of the news reports relating to football, which hold the world's press coverage, today's football Movement has become people's lives is an integral part. According to incomplete statistics, the world now regularly participate in the competition's team of about 800,000, registered athletes about 40 million people, including professional athletes about 10 million people.

2. The characteristics of sport

First, overall. Soccer matches each team from 11 game entries. Field of 11 people unity of thinking and action in line to attack the whole dynamic, the whole defense Code, the overall awareness of the war stronger. Only formation of the overall offense and defense, the game can be achieved good initiative and the results of the competition.

Second, confrontational. Football is a competitive confrontational projects, competitions, the two sides in contention for the control of the ball scored the other goal to achieve, and not allow the ball into the goal, the purpose of this, the struggle between the start forefront of the fight, especially in the two free throws near time, the space is unusual for more fierce, compelling. A high level of competition, and the two sides for the crash fell on the ground because of the number of up to 200 times above, we can see that the fierce confrontation.

Third, changeability. Football is a technical suits and tactical unpredictable, and the outcome difficult to predict the outcome of non-cyclical sport, the game using technological and tactical should be direct interference by the other side, the limitation and resistance. Technical and Tactical spot is in accordance with the specific circumstances of the application and agility to play.

Fourth, easy nature. Football Competition Rules comparison concise and equipment requirements is not high. General tournament time, the number of entries, venues and equipment not be strictly limited, so it is a national fitness in a very easy-to the mass of sports projects.

3. The role of sport

One is conducive to good mental ideological and moral quality and the formation of

Second, it helps to strengthen physical fitness, health promotion

Third, to the building of spiritual civilization.

Fourth, to inspire the national spirit

Now the most famous league is the five major European league (Serie. Premiership, Spanish, German, French)


萨为利亚和米兰的比赛 什么时候啊?

Name: David Robert Joseph Beckham

Date of Birth: 02 May 1975

Birthplace: Leytonstone, London

Nationality: English

Height: 183 cm

Weight: 75 kg

Martial status: Married to Victoria

Current club: Los Angeles Galaxy

Position: Midfield

Squad number: 23



出生地:伦敦 雷顿斯通








David Beckham

In the world of professional , no star shines brighter than David Beckham. He is one of the best players in the sport, admired by fans around the world. Not only is Beckham an excellent player, but he also happens to have supermodel looks! Girls adore his handsome face and friendly smile.

As a celebrity, Beckham attracts more attention than most rock stars, including his wife, former Spice Girl Victoria Adams. Fashion magazines have a field day every time he wears a new outfit or gets a new hairstyle.

David Beckham was born in an eastern suburb of London in February 1975. Ever since he can remember, has always been the main focus in his life. That? because not long after he could walk, Beckham? father began playing with him. Each year Beckham's father gave him a Manchester United uniform and a new ball.The two would regularly kick the ball around outside until it was too dark to see

anything. Beckham had lots of natural ability, and constant practice developed his talent.

Beckham rise to the top

By the time Beckham entered his teens, professional scouts were already watching his progress as a standout player. When Beckham turned 16, Manchester United asked him to join the team as a trainee. After training in the youth circuit, 20-year-old Beckham played his first game for Manchester United in April 1995. Over the following seasons, Beckham scored some amazing goals, making him well known throughout the country. Thanks to Beckham, Manchester United won many awards. He performed so well that he was asked to play for England's national team in 1997.

When England played Argentina at the 1998 World Cup, Beckham? image took a blow. He was sent off for kicking at an opponent. But back in England, Beckham took Manchester United to another league victory that season. Beckham was playing the best he played in his whole life, and fans couldn't get enough of him.

Beckham's star rose even higher in July 1999, when he married Victoria Adams of the then-popular Spice Girls singing group. Beckham waselevated to the position of both star and celebrity.

The Beckham lifestyle

Beckham seems to enjoy being in the spotlight. He likes wearing stylish clothes,driving fancy sports cars and experimenting with new hairstyles. Beckham regularly volunteers to pose for fashion magazines, and the press follows his every move.

Beckham's personal life, however, is more down to earth. Given the choice, Beckham says his perfect evening would be a quiet night at home with his wife and their two young sons. Beckham refuses to hire a nanny and puts a high priority on his family time.

In 2002, Asian fans got their first chance to see the famous Beckham up close. England's team gave an impressive performance at the World Cup in Japan. Beckham delighted fans by scoring a goal against rival Argentina. But England was ultimately defeated by champion Brazil and failed to reach the semifinals.

Fans and followers are now waiting to see how Beckham fares in Spain. Manchester United sold their star to Spain? Real Madrid team in the summer of 2003. But regardless of where he plays, Beckham should continue to score goals and turn heads.



02:45 AC米兰vs塞维利亚




03:00 贝蒂斯vsAC米兰 TELE SPORT

03:00 拉科vs皇马 Sport TV (TV Cabo)

20:00 榆园vs巴萨



02:30 斯图加特vs沙尔克 香港有线足球

21:30 拜仁vs罗斯托克 香港有线足球

21:30 波鸿vs不来梅 广东体育、香港有线体育


19:30 福克尔克vs凯尔特人 香港NOW宽频825、无线收费25台、澳门有线34、泰星63


19:45 桑德兰vs热刺 ESPN(亚洲)、香港NOW宽频632、泰星61、超级体育5

22:00 博尔顿vs纽卡斯尔 卫视体育(东南亚)、香港NOW宽频632、泰星61、超级体育5

22:00 德比郡vs朴茨茅斯 香港NOW宽频635、超级体育3

22:00 埃弗顿vs维冈 香港NOW宽频633、ESPN次日00:30延播

22:00 米堡vs布莱克本 香港NOW宽频634

22:00 西汉姆vs曼城 ESPN(亚洲)、香港NOW宽频631、泰星63


23:10 图卢兹vs里昂 澳门有线34、超级体育6



00:00 阿尔克马尔vs国际米兰


00:15 阿斯顿维拉vs利物浦 卫视体育(东南亚)、香港NOW宽频632、泰星63、超级体育3

19:00 阿森纳vs富勒姆 卫视体育(东南亚)、香港NOW宽频631、超级体育3

20:30 切尔西vs伯明翰 ESPN(亚洲)、香港NOW宽频632、泰星61、超级体育5

23:00 曼联vs雷丁 ESPN(亚洲)、香港NOW宽频632、泰星61、超级体育3


00:20 狼vs沃特福德 香港NOW宽频898、无线收费电视998


04:00 塞维利亚vs皇马 超级体育3、超级体育7


21:00 阿伯丁vs哈茨 香港NOW宽频825、无线收费25台、澳门有线34、泰星63


23:00 多特蒙德vs杜伊斯堡

23:00 纽伦堡vs卡尔斯鲁厄 香港有线足球



00:00 梅斯vs里尔 澳门有线34

03:00 朗斯vs巴黎圣日耳曼 澳门有线34、超级体育6



02:30 AC米兰vs国际米兰 超级体育6

03:30 尤文图斯vsAC米兰 超级体育6

04:45 国际米兰vs尤文图斯 超级体育6


02:45 伯明翰vs桑德兰 ESPN(亚洲)、香港NOW宽频631、超级体育5

03:00 热刺vs埃弗顿 卫视体育(东南亚)、香港NOW宽频632、超级体育3



00:00 拜仁vs巴萨 上海体育


02:45 布莱克本vs维拉 香港NOW宽频633、ESPN凌晨05:00延播

02:45 富勒姆vs博尔顿 香港NOW宽频635

02:45 曼城vs德比郡 香港NOW宽频634、卫视体育(东南亚)05:00延播

02:45 朴茨茅斯vs曼联 ESPN(亚洲)、香港NOW宽频632、泰星61、超级体育3

03:00 维冈vs米堡 香港NOW宽频636

03:00 雷丁vs切尔西 卫视体育(东南亚)、香港NOW宽频631、超级体育5



03:00 南锡vs尼斯 超级体育3



02:30 AC米兰vs尤文图斯 超级体育3


02:30 卡尔斯鲁厄vs汉诺威 香港有线足球

21:30 不来梅vs拜仁

21:30 沙尔克vs多特蒙德


13:00 朝鲜vs英格兰 香港有线足球

19:00 韩国vs秘鲁 香港有线足球


19:45 朴茨茅斯vs博尔顿 ESPN(亚洲)、香港NOW宽频632、泰星61、超级体育3

22:00 伯明翰vs西汉姆 香港NOW宽频635、ESPN次日00:30延播

22:00 布莱克本vs阿森纳 ESPN(亚洲)、香港NOW宽频632、泰星61、超级体育3

22:00 富勒姆vs米堡 香港NOW宽频634

22:00 雷丁vs埃弗顿 香港NOW宽频631

22:00 热刺vs德比郡 卫视体育(东南亚)、香港NOW宽频633、泰星66、超级体育5

22:00 维冈vs桑德兰 香港NOW宽频636



00:15 纽卡斯尔vs维拉 卫视体育(东南亚)、香港NOW宽频632、泰星61、超级体育3

20:30 曼城vs曼联 ESPN、香港NOW宽频632、泰星61、超级体育3

23:00 利物浦vs切尔西 ESPN(亚洲)、香港NOW宽频632、泰星61、超级体育3


00:20 斯托克城vs查尔顿 香港NOW宽频898、无线收费电视998、超级体育6


13:00 尼日利亚vs法国 香港有线足球


23:00 科特布斯vs波鸿

23:00 汉堡vs勒沃库森



00:00 尼斯vs雷恩 澳门有线34、超级体育6

03:00 马赛vs南锡 澳门有线34、超级体育6


04:00 皇马vs塞维利亚 超级体育3


03:00 国际米兰vs罗马 香港有线足球、超级体育5


16:00 哥伦比亚vs德国 香港有线足球



02:30 英格兰U-21vs德国U-21 ESPN、泰星65


19:00 日本vs尼日利亚 香港有线足球



00:00 亚美尼亚vs葡萄牙 香港有线足球

01:00 斯洛伐克vs法国 香港有线体育

02:30 瑞士vs荷兰 香港有线足球

02:30 英格兰vs德国 ESPN、香港NOW宽频670、泰星65

03:00 挪威vs阿根廷 香港有线体育



16:00 英格兰vs巴西 香港有线足球



02:30 波鸿vs汉堡 香港有线体育

21:30 拜仁vs汉诺威

21:30 纽伦堡vs不来梅

21:30 斯图加特vs美因茨


15:00 西班牙vs阿根廷 香港有线足球

18:00 法国vs日本 香港有线足球


19:45 桑德兰vs利物浦 ESPN(亚洲)、香港NOW宽频632、泰星61、超级体育3

22:00 阿森纳vs曼城 ESPN(亚洲)、香港NOW宽频632

22:00 维拉vs富勒姆 香港NOW宽频634

22:00 博尔顿vs雷丁 香港NOW宽频635

22:00 切尔西vs朴茨茅斯 卫视体育(东南亚)、香港NOW宽频631、泰星61

22:00 德比郡vs伯明翰 香港NOW宽频636

22:00 西汉姆vs维冈 香港NOW宽频633、ESPN次日00:30延播



00:15 埃弗顿vs布莱克本 卫视体育(东南亚)、香港NOW宽频632、泰星61、超级体育3

20:30 米堡vs纽卡斯尔 ESPN(亚洲)、香港NOW宽频632、泰星61、超级体育3

23:00 曼联vs热刺 ESPN(亚洲)、香港NOW宽频632、泰星61、超级体育3


18:00 哥伦比亚vs加纳 香港有线足球


23:00 法兰克福vs罗斯托克

23:00 沃尔夫斯堡vs沙尔克



02:45 AC米兰vs塞维利亚


02:30 沙尔克vs勒沃库森

21:30 不来梅vs法兰克福


22:00 布莱克本vs曼城

22:00 博尔顿vs埃弗顿

22:00 富勒姆vs热刺 卫视体育(东南亚)

22:00 利物浦vs德比郡 ESPN(亚洲)

22:00 米堡vs伯明翰

22:00 纽卡斯尔vs维冈

22:00 雷丁vs西汉姆 ESPN(亚洲)次日00:30延播



00:15 曼联vs桑德兰 卫视体育(东南亚)、香港NOW宽频632、泰星61、超级体育3

20:30 阿森纳vs朴茨茅斯 ESPN(亚洲)、香港NOW宽频632、泰星61、超级体育3

23:00 维拉vs切尔西 ESPN(亚洲)、香港NOW宽频632、泰星61、超级体育3


23:00 卡尔斯鲁厄vs斯图加特

23:00 汉堡vs拜仁



03:00 英格兰vs俄罗斯 卫视体育(东南亚)、香港NOW宽频671、泰星66



19:00 埃弗顿vs曼联 ESPN(亚洲)

19:45 朴茨茅斯vs利物浦 卫视体育(东南亚)

20:30 热刺vs阿森纳

22:00 维冈vs富勒姆

22:00 西汉姆vs米德尔斯堡 ESPN(亚洲)

22:00 桑德兰vs雷丁 卫视体育(东南亚)

22:00 伯明翰vs博尔顿



00:15 切尔西vs布莱克本 卫视体育(东南亚)、香港NOW宽频632、泰星61、超级体育3

23:00 曼城vs阿斯顿维拉 ESPN(亚洲)、香港NOW宽频632、泰星61、超级体育3



22:00 阿森纳vs德比郡 卫视体育(东南亚)

22:00 布莱克本vs朴茨茅斯 ESPN(亚洲)次日00:30延播

22:00 利物浦vs伯明翰 ESPN(亚洲)

22:00 米堡vs桑德兰

22:00 雷丁vs维冈



00:15 富勒姆vs曼城 卫视体育(东南亚)、香港NOW宽频632、泰星61、超级体育3

20:30 纽卡斯尔vs西汉姆 ESPN(亚洲)

21:00 维拉vs埃弗顿 卫视体育(东南亚)

22:00 博尔顿vs热刺

23:00 曼联vs切尔西 ESPN(亚洲)、香港NOW宽频632、泰星61、超级体育3



19:45 曼城vs米堡 ESPN(亚洲)

22:00 切尔西vs富勒姆 ESPN(亚洲)次日00:30延播

22:00 德比郡vs博尔顿

22:00 桑德兰vs布莱克本

22:00 西汉姆vs阿森纳 卫视体育(东南亚)

22:00 维冈vs利物浦 ESPN(亚洲)

22:00 朴茨茅斯vs雷丁

22:00 热刺vs维拉



00:15 伯明翰vs曼联 卫视体育(东南亚)、香港NOW宽频632、泰星61、超级体育3

23:00 埃弗顿vs纽卡斯尔 ESPN(亚洲)、香港NOW宽频632、泰星61、超级体育3